Enhancing Eleventh Floor's website to improve aesthetics and appeal.

  • UI/UX Design
  • Front End Development

Project overview


The Challenge

Our Solution


We began by developing high-fidelity wireframes, drawing content from their existing website. In collaboration with stakeholders, we identified the essential information and maintained a clear visual hierarchy. We structured the layout to ensure the entire website tells a cohesive and engaging story.


Color Pallete

The primary linear gradient combines vibrant blues, symbolizing innovation. Complementary hues of deep blue and rich purple add sophistication. Magenta, coral red, and warm orange accents infuse energy, enhancing the brand's dynamic identity.



Space Grotesk is a modern sans-serif typeface family. It combines clean lines with a touch of personality, thanks to its geometric styling. Ideal for contemporary designs, it offers a unique, sophisticated look while ensuring readability and elegance.


Elegant Icons and Illustrations

Discover our collection of elegant icons and stunning illustrations, designed to enhance user experience and add visual appeal. Perfect for improving navigation and enriching your projects with creativity and storytelling.


Captivating Hero Design

The objective was to create an engaging hero section featuring a salutation and intro, dynamic service text animation, elegant icons with subtext for USPs, background mesh gradient animation, and a scroll-down micro-interaction for interactivity.

Effortlessly Showcase Story

We created a custom 3D cityscape illustration, highlighting a skyscraper's 11th floor with a gradient line. As users scroll down, the building scales up, revealing story text on each side for an interactive experience.

Stack of services

For each of their services, we designed a card featuring the service headline, contextual subtext, and a custom illustration depicting the service. These cards were arranged in a stacked layout, and as users scroll, each card stacks up in a seamless interaction.

Credibility and Reliability

Including a numbers section to highlight key figures demonstrates its scale, while a testimonial section underscores its quality. Together, these elements enhance the platform's trust and credibility, directly correlating with an increased conversion rate.

Interactive Contact Footer

Dynamic footer with direct contact options features various mediums. Each contact icon includes hover state animation and a redirection arrow. Footer includes essential links like Terms of Use, Privacy, Cookies policies, and back-to-top function for ease.

Our featured projects



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Chaos Genius

It’s an open-source Business Observability Platform for anomaly detection. Hence, to optimize the efficiency of the platform we introduced compelling real-time data visualization capabilities coupled with layered information relevant to each user role.

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